This blog is about my road-camping trip with my German shepherd dogs, Leben and Erde, from 19 Sept to 13 Oct 2012, which took us 3700 miles from DC to NY (and Beech Mountain), and then onto seven different provincial and national parks circling the Great Lakes. Just before Thunder Bay, Ontario, Leben became paralyzed, so we returned by way of Minnesota and then east to DC.

Day 2 ...9/19

Great night's sleep last night...rain most of the night. Ii love the sound of the rain on the tent to induce sleep. As a bonus, the sound of the bubbling brook added to the pleasant sound. Up at 7 this morning, 44 degrees. Beautiful day. Am now at the Robin Hood Diner, where my brother tells me my mom used to stop for coffee on her way to visit me at camp. After this, i will try the road to Beech Mountain and Mongaup camp. Driving here this morning i had forgotten how absolutely beautiful this part of the world us...rolling hills, streams paralleling the roads...the leaves are already turning colors here, and I'm just starting this trip. I think that soon i will experience winter .


PS  Needless to say, we survived the night.

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